fascialCARE at Our Well House

Our Provider


Raoul Santiago - LMT & fascialCARE Specialist

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Policies & FAQ’s

Non-Refundable Deposit & Cancellation Fee

In order to book your first visit, you will be charged a $150 non-refundable deposit.

For your first appointment, there is a non-refundable $150 booking fee. If you cancel your appointment 7 days or more before your appointment time, you will only be charged the $150 booking fee. If you cancel your appointment within 7 days of your scheduled appointment, you will be charged the full $170 appointment fee. For follow-up appointments, please provide a minimum of 7 days notice to cancel.

Appointments canceled within 7 days of the scheduled appointment time will be charged in full.

What can I expect from a first visit with Raoul?

Your first visit includes a consultation to get to know you and review your full health & medical history, Raoul will do his best to answer any questions about fascialCARE, and hear your wellness goals. You will also receive your first fascialCARE session during this visit.

What is a common timeline for follow up visits?

Fascial care can release the strain stored in the body’s fascial system. Like untangling a ball of Christmas lights takes time, Fascial Care helps release tension with each session. This way the other systems in the body can more easily communicate. Every person’s fascial strain patterns are different, one’s fascial strain is as unique as each individual.

Some individuals may have various layers of strain to their fascial system’s “ball of Christmas lights” causing certain concerns while others may have just a very short “string of tangled lights.” Individuals who have less layers of fascial strain may need fewer sessions. Infants and children tend to respond quicker than adults, thus needing fewer sessions. Strain-free families are Raoul’s goal so eventually follow up sessions are only as needed and infrequent. Sadly for us, one may not need to have sessions the rest of their life unless they simply enjoy it as a part of their wellness routine.

Raoul’s’s goal is not a lifetime of unending sessions, but a strain-free life. If Raoul does his job well, he provides care that may become less and frequent or end altogether.

You can ask Raoul to assess your cranial motion before and after the session as a means of gauging progress. More smooth & longer cranial respiration means there is likely less fascial strain. The goal is to be symptom free and have cranial motion expansion/contraction respiration that is long and smooth.


One Tuesday-Thursday each month 9am-6pm. Check Jane for specific dates.

Can you diagnose?

No, we can not diagnose.

Do you treat disease?

No, fascialCARE releases fascial tension that prevents your body from functioning at its highest capacity. This release often leads to the reduction of a wide range of symptoms, and has proven to be an integral part of diverse healing journeys.

Do you offer fascialCARE packages or family discounts?

We do not offer packages or discounts at Our Well House, but encourage you to consider a fascialCARE retreat in the Hochatown, OK area if you would like to benefit from more intensive care for you and/or your family.

What should I wear?

Unlike most massage therapy, fascialCARE is received fully clothed. Please wear unrestrictive clothing that allows for a full range of motion.

Does Raoul serve women with fascialCARE?

Yes, Raoul serves women with fascialCARE provided a family member or friend is present during care. If no family or friend is available for a woman desiring fascialCARE, the session will be with an open door policy.


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